So much excitement going on in my life i have been slacking on the daily blogs!!

Saturday i woke up to a text message from my sister. Her water broke exactly 1 week before her due date. She was on her way to the city to have my very first blood related niece. I text her throughout the day, waiting for more updates. The hours ticked by and there was still no baby. I was getting so excited i was nervous. Then there came a point that the updates stopped, i was positive it was baby time! Sure enough 3 hours later i get a picture of my new sweet beautiful baby niece! I have yet to hug and kiss her because i live 8 hours away, but once christmas comes around they are going to have to pry her out of my arms! I AM FINALLY AN AUNTIE!!!!!!!

So now its time to power through 3 days of posts.

Day 5: Favorite quote and why?

“You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil.”
Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

I would often sit in coffee shops and read, this particular cold winter day, I was sitting in Starbucks with my book. I was really captivated by Hemmingway’s writing and this quote really captured me. I have no deep connection to the words he wrote except that They froze me. When i first read it i stopped and re read it again, and again, and again then i closed the book and walked out. I could not carry on reading the book. i tried a few times to go back and continue but i would always get hung up on this line.

How could one simple quote paralyze me?  To this day i still do not know what it is about those words but i get chills down my spine every time i read them.


Day 4. Plus IT’S A GIRL!

First i would like to start by sending a HUGE congratulations to Marks sister and brother in law on the arrival of their new baby girl! I cant wait to come and get my newborn baby snuggles!

1 of 2 nieces have arrived, now to wait for my sister to have her little girl any day now!

On with the Challenge!

Day 4- Somewhere you’ve been.


Growing up we never really did a lot of travelling. We spent lots of time at the lake or with family at farms across the province. When i was younger my dad got transferred to Drumheller, land of the dinosaurs, and we made a couple trips there. We made a drive to the pacific coast one summer. After my dad passed away we also took a girls trip to Hawaii.

But the place i am going to talk about now was somewhere i went this summer.


I fell in love with Kelowna the second i got there. If i had the opportunity to pack up my life an move there i would. The Okanagan lake is amazing and being in wine country was a dream come true.

How can you tell you really love somebody? Spend hours in a car together while driving through mountains on a long weekend. The drive was beautiful, Rocky Mountain surrounded us, and listening to The Comedy Button for hours and im so glad i got to spend that time with Mark.

Throughout the weekend i spent many hours on the deck with a glass of wine watching people golf, laughing a lot, and making amazing memories.

The trip home was a whole different story, after a long night of partying and an early morning to make the long drive home. A drive that would typically take 8 hours took over 12 hours. We both took turns driving trying to catch up on sleep and get through the hang overs. We got stuck in all kinds of traffic, went through every kind of weather and i had the biggest anxiety attack of my life.

Finally we made it home, even with the worst drive home in history it was still an amazing weekend and i’m so glad Mark had a chance to reconnect with his friend and i had the much needed vacation away.

I cant wait to start planning out next trip.



Day 3.

Yesterday was a tough one. This will lighten things up a lot.

Day 3- Relationship status.

I am in the best possible relationship ever with the most amazing guy!

When i first started my blog a couple days ago he read through it and the first response i got was ” how come i am not mentioned once?”

Well dear, you get a whole post dedicated to you.

I see a cheesy love quote on pinterest all the time,it goes ” Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.”. I hate to admit it but its true, im so in love with our story its sickening.

The start of our budding relationship was rocky for lack of a better term. We met at a bar on August 3rd 2014, i went out after the Bruno Mars concert and his work was shut down due to a power outage.

Over the next while we hardly talked, we would go weeks even months without talking to each other. I invited him to a steak night for a coworker and we hit it off again and had a fantastic night, one of our best nights together. But, sadly after that night we never really kept in contact much.

Until one day i asked him to join me on New Years Eve. I got butterflies in my stomach as i was going to meet him after i finished work. Conversations between us was always natural, not forced or awkward silences. I laughed all night. We shared a magical new years eve kiss while at a Bad Boy Bill show, cant get much better then that!

2014 was a rough year for me but to end it with him and to start 2015 with a kiss from him was the only way i would ever want it.

When he met my daughter and i saw how he was with her i melted inside. The two of them bonded over playing hide and seek in my super small apartment and watching endless episodes of Uncle Jesse ( Full House).

I am very lucky to find a guy who can put up with the stresses of dating a single mother, who can handle my depression and anxiety, and somebody who just loves me for who i am.

Every moment we are together is better then the last. He truly is my best friend. He is the person who introduced me to comic books and weird hipster music. He wouldn’t be able to keep up with the Kardashians or count all the Duggars or learn from alpha wolf Kody Brown if it wasn’t for me.

We are the new Hollywood power couple, Marooke? Broark?

Looking back at how our story started there are many times we could’ve went our separate ways and never talk to each other again. I’m so glad we never completely let each other go and finally fell in love like the universe intended.

I have so much love for him it hurts. I cant wait to expand our family and spend the rest of our lives together. There is nobody i would rather spend my life with then him.

I Love You Mark!!!!!



Do you know what day it is?

Do you actually know what is special about today?

Why it Queen B’s birthday. The Queen of Pop.

Of course you know who i am talking about.


No, Not Beyonce.

Actually, its Britney Spears’ birthday.

Normally i would not make a post specifically for a celebrity birthday. it sounds quite ridiculous and it really is. But, Britney Spears is my idol.

I remember sitting by my old cd player listening and memorizing all of her songs, making countless music videos to her music with my sisters, and reading every book i could about her. I would get every Tiger Beat and Teen People magazine i could convince my mom to buy me. She was the music to my childhood. To this day she is still my favorite singer because many of my memories growing up involved her in some way.

When she was going through her infamous 2007 breakdown, i was also going through a breakdown myself. I’m not a religious person but i would watch Much Music and pray they we would get our lives back on track.

As i grew up my taste in music changed, i turned into a angsty teenager and then onto adulthood, but my love for Britney never changed.

Happy Birthday B!

Day 2.

Day 2- Hardest thing you have to to experience.

I wish the hardest thing i had to experience was… thinking of the hardest thing i had to experience. But, sadly that’s not the case.

The date was September 2nd 2006.

But, my story starts on Friday September 1st.

It started as any typical Friday. I had just started grade 9, in my hometown the elementary schools went K-8 and all three elementary schools came together at the high school in grade 9. So, being one week into high school there was more kids that i didn’t know then i did know.

Anyways Friday came around. It was a long weekend as Labour day was on Monday. Score! There was also a Mohawk game, high school football. I made it very clear to my mom that i wanted to go. After the game we were supposed to be packed and on the road to my Grandpa M’s farm, about 1 hour away. My Grandma M passed away in June and we were going to help out on the farm during harvest. Me being 14 and rebellious i threw a fit, epic sized temper tantrum, for no particular reason at all. I just knew in my heart of hearts i was not to leave the house that weekend. I later find out why I needed to stay home.

During my temper tantrum i ran down the street refusing to come home, i figured if i dragged this out long enough my mom would just decide to not go after all. To my surprise my mom call down the street that my dad was on the phone and wanted to talk to me. I was horrified, he was not a guy to piss off.  I get back to the house and grab the phone, i’m shaking in my boots, i was prepared to be yelled at like never before. The conversation was nothing i could ever imagine. He spoke to me calmly and concerned. We came up with a plan for me, i was to go to my moms  family farm that night and the next day my Grandpa W would pick me up and take me to my dads family farm where he would come after he was done working on Sunday morning. He asked me to bring a bag of clean clothes for him, i was so proud to help my dad. He says I love you, see you tomorrow, I say i love you too, see you tomorrow. We hang up and finally leave for my moms farm.

I get up early pace around my Grandpa Ms house waiting all morning for Grandpa W to come get me. Finally, im out of there,  i leave my sister behind but i don’t care. At Grandpa W’s farm my cousins are there playing in the yard while my uncle and grandpa head back to the field. I was in charge of looking after them, even though we are close to the same age, while my Grandma W was in the city sick. We played hard all day, quadding, dirt bikes and salamander hunting. i got everybody showered and into bed. We were sleeping in our new RV trailer, two cousins in the bunks and me and a cousin in the front.

And then the unthinkable happened.

At approximately 11 pm Saturday September 2nd 2006, I got woken up by Grandpa W shaking me and telling me my dad passed away.


This. is. a. dream.

I can’t even count the amount of time grandpa went in and out of the RV. I finally get up. It just doesn’t seem real. It cant be real. Its raining outside so me and my cousins are waiting inside the RV for my great-uncle to come and pick us up to take us to the city. I turn around and see the bag of clothes on the counter i left for my dad to get the next morning. A single tear falls, the only thought going through my head is he will never know if i remembered to bring his clothes.

My uncle shows up, we all pile into the car. I stare out the window just watching the rain and the stars, trying to not process what is actually going on. The 20 minute drive is the longest thing i have ever experienced.

We get to my dads brothers house. When i show up with my grandpa and cousins the house is already full of extended family. Even though i was surrounded by my family i felt completely alone. My own family was not there yet. I had no idea where my mom and younger sister were and my older sister back at home with friends. My moms and sister eventually show up and our neighbours from back home brought my older sister. People were hugging me and trying to make me feel better, i felt nothing. I was so empty inside, i did not want to be there, i wanted to go back home and to my bed. It was the worst feeling i have ever felt, because deep down inside i knew it was true and this was really happening. Over the next couple hours many people came and went. Lots of hugs and tears.

The four of us girls head back home the next day.When we get home we look at the caller ID on the phone. There was at least 20 missed calls in a half hour time frame from my dads work. I knew there was some reason i needed to stay home. Even if we would’ve been home when they called the first time it would not have saved my dad, and i’ve accepted that now.

Adjusting to life after losing my dad is the second hardest things i have ever experienced. As i mentioned earlier i was one week into a new school, i hardly knew anybody. I took one month off school. I just couldn’t face going back there. My sisters both went back to school much sooner then i did, but they had friends there and i did not. I got so far behind on school and i lost all motivation to continue in school and sadly in life. I went to the darkest places of life. 15 years old i dropped out of school. 16 years old i got pregnant. 17 years old i had my daughter, she saved my life in more ways i could ever imagine. I have battled with depression and anxiety since 2006, i continue to struggle with it to this day.

There is so many things from the nights, weeks and months after losing my dad that i just don’t remember. I was living on auto pilot. If i didn’t accept it that means it didn’t happen. For months and years after that i would still sit by the window waiting for my dad to come home, or check the messages to see if he called. Its been 9 years since that terrible night and i still have a hard time truly coming to terms that its real. I hold on to that last phone call with my dad. He was not very affectionate so to hear him say i love you one last time is something i will never lose. I have the greatest last memory of him.  Life has gotten easier, I have a fantastic life now and i believe my dad has taken me on this journey to where i am now.


I Love You Forever Dad.



Day 1!

Here’s the start of 31 days!

Day 1 – Recent photo and 20 random facts about me.

Lets get started with the 20 facts.

  1. My middle name is Shaylynn. I’m named after, Shae Lynn Bourne, a famous Canadian figure skater from the 90s.
  2. I am a crier. I cry at literally everything. It can be very annoying 85% of the time.
  3. Purple and grey are my favorite colors. They look so sophisticated when they are together as well.
  4. I’ve worn glasses everyday since grade 4. That’s approximately 13 years.
  5. I love comics. I try not to be a fake nerd girl. I am so new to the nerd culture that i sometimes feel like it, but i am genuinely interested in comics.
  6. I am obsessed with sugar. I could eat sugar by the spoonful, i don’t recommend it though.
  7. Captain America is my number one. Captain America: The first avenger was one of the first marvel movies i watched but i very quickly became obsessed with Capt.
  8. I hate water and getting wet. Showering is the worst thing in the world. I do it but i don’t enjoy it one bit.
  9. Team Backstreet Boys all the way.. i cant even type that N word on here. Also team Britney.
  10. I love reality TV shows. Lately i’ve been watching Teen Mom 2, Masterchef, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Sister Wives, #RichKidsOfBeverlyHills.
  11. I am not a morning person at all. I’m lucky if i get to bed by 1am.
  12. I consider myself a extroverted introvert. I love socializing and being outgoing, but it has to be on my terms. I feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.
  13. I have no hobbies. It actually makes me really sad i don’t have something to really connect with.
  14. I have really bad anxiety. Since i became a mother my anxiety has became uncontrollable at times.
  15. I love google. I have no other words. I’d be lost without google.
  16. I regret getting rid of my iPhone for android.
  17. I chose comfort over looks all the time. I almost always have a sweater of some sort close by and sweatpants.
  18. I love cooking. I wanted to be a chef but i was scared if i cooked all day everyday i would begin to hate it.
  19. I can’t stand hearing people chew. Actually, there are many sounds i can not stand.
  20. My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel she was placed in my life at 17 for a reason i may never know.

This photo was taken 3 minute ago for the specific post. Also, i got a new shirt.


Welcome friends

Here we go!

Welcome to my brand new blog.

My name is Brooke. I’m just a girl who is always stuck in the middle, i’ll get more into to that later but for now i’m just going to do a small introduction to my blog.

This morning i woke up at 4:40 am. Shocker!! I’m the last person you will find awake before 10 am. I tried to force my self back to sleep, but i knew it was useless. As i was laying there i remembered it was December 1st, today would be a great day to start a writing challenge. So i got on my phone and googled for hours looking at all kinds of 30 day challenges. tumblr challenges, Disney challenges, book challenges,  Harry Potter challenges, mortal combat challenges… you get it point. There were also dozens and dozens of 30 day blog challenges similar to the one i am going to do. The problem with the others were they just didn’t fit me, plus i wanted to add some Christmas themes. So long story short, i made my own challenge.

Now that i got my challenge sorted out i needed a place to do my writing everyday. i have tons of notebooks and scrap paper laying around the house i could use or i could make a new word document ever day. But, i’m a person who needs to be held accountable, somebody to call me out when i don’t do what i said. I figured a blog would be perfect for that. So, that’s how i ended up here.

Once i got all signed up i needed to think of a blog name. I had a harder time thinking of a blog name then i did naming my child! Well, maybe not because its 11 am and i already found the perfect name.

Just a girl in the middle

Why am i the girl in the middle?

I often find me self in the middle. Not in the middle of fights, thank goodness.

  1. I am the middle child. – I was born in the middle. Its one place i’ll just never escape 
  2. Between adulthood and…. Not adulthood.. – I became a mother at a very young age so for the last 5 and a half years i have always had to act more mature then other people my age. But, i am still very young and have lots to learn. I still don’t feel very adulty..
  3. I’m the mama bear – When we take family pictures, guess who stands in the middle? Yup, me. I got Mark on one side and little Rylee on the other and i’m in the middle. It’s one time i don’t mind being in the middle.
  4. Past and Future- Technically, everybody is in the middle on that one but i feel stuck in the middle. I love the past, i am a very nostalgic person but as i grow up i am looking more and more forward to the future.
  5. Decision making- I think my most commonly used word is, conflicted. Anytime i have to make a decision of any kind the first thing i say is ” i don’t know, i’m so conflicted” whether i’m planning supper or deciding when i want to have more children i just cant make up my mind!