So much excitement going on in my life i have been slacking on the daily blogs!!

Saturday i woke up to a text message from my sister. Her water broke exactly 1 week before her due date. She was on her way to the city to have my very first blood related niece. I text her throughout the day, waiting for more updates. The hours ticked by and there was still no baby. I was getting so excited i was nervous. Then there came a point that the updates stopped, i was positive it was baby time! Sure enough 3 hours later i get a picture of my new sweet beautiful baby niece! I have yet to hug and kiss her because i live 8 hours away, but once christmas comes around they are going to have to pry her out of my arms! I AM FINALLY AN AUNTIE!!!!!!!

So now its time to power through 3 days of posts.

Day 5: Favorite quote and why?

“You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil.”
Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

I would often sit in coffee shops and read, this particular cold winter day, I was sitting in Starbucks with my book. I was really captivated by Hemmingway’s writing and this quote really captured me. I have no deep connection to the words he wrote except that They froze me. When i first read it i stopped and re read it again, and again, and again then i closed the book and walked out. I could not carry on reading the book. i tried a few times to go back and continue but i would always get hung up on this line.

How could one simple quote paralyze me?  To this day i still do not know what it is about those words but i get chills down my spine every time i read them.


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