Day 1!

Here’s the start of 31 days!

Day 1 – Recent photo and 20 random facts about me.

Lets get started with the 20 facts.

  1. My middle name is Shaylynn. I’m named after, Shae Lynn Bourne, a famous Canadian figure skater from the 90s.
  2. I am a crier. I cry at literally everything. It can be very annoying 85% of the time.
  3. Purple and grey are my favorite colors. They look so sophisticated when they are together as well.
  4. I’ve worn glasses everyday since grade 4. That’s approximately 13 years.
  5. I love comics. I try not to be a fake nerd girl. I am so new to the nerd culture that i sometimes feel like it, but i am genuinely interested in comics.
  6. I am obsessed with sugar. I could eat sugar by the spoonful, i don’t recommend it though.
  7. Captain America is my number one. Captain America: The first avenger was one of the first marvel movies i watched but i very quickly became obsessed with Capt.
  8. I hate water and getting wet. Showering is the worst thing in the world. I do it but i don’t enjoy it one bit.
  9. Team Backstreet Boys all the way.. i cant even type that N word on here. Also team Britney.
  10. I love reality TV shows. Lately i’ve been watching Teen Mom 2, Masterchef, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Sister Wives, #RichKidsOfBeverlyHills.
  11. I am not a morning person at all. I’m lucky if i get to bed by 1am.
  12. I consider myself a extroverted introvert. I love socializing and being outgoing, but it has to be on my terms. I feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.
  13. I have no hobbies. It actually makes me really sad i don’t have something to really connect with.
  14. I have really bad anxiety. Since i became a mother my anxiety has became uncontrollable at times.
  15. I love google. I have no other words. I’d be lost without google.
  16. I regret getting rid of my iPhone for android.
  17. I chose comfort over looks all the time. I almost always have a sweater of some sort close by and sweatpants.
  18. I love cooking. I wanted to be a chef but i was scared if i cooked all day everyday i would begin to hate it.
  19. I can’t stand hearing people chew. Actually, there are many sounds i can not stand.
  20. My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel she was placed in my life at 17 for a reason i may never know.

This photo was taken 3 minute ago for the specific post. Also, i got a new shirt.


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